[CQ-Contest] Big changes in USA amateur rules will affect CQ WW SSB

Mike McCarthy, W1NR lists at w1nr.net
Wed Oct 11 14:24:14 EDT 2006

It is NOT EFFECTIVE YET and won't be for CQWW!!!

It says 30 days after publication in the federal register, which I "think"
was yesterday.  Let's wait until the ARRL has deciphered all the language
and gives us an official effective date before we rush into things.

Bummer for CQWW Phone, but good for SS.

Mike, W1NR 

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Doug Smith W9WI
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 12:50 PM
To: cq-contest
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Big changes in USA amateur rules will affect CQ WW SSB


As I read this, it means USA stations can now (effective immediately)
operate phone in 3600-4000 and 7125-7300KHz.  
Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN  EM66

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