[CQ-Contest] 2006 Pa QSO Party Plans

The Trench Family cwtrench at sprynet.com
Thu Oct 12 20:37:16 EDT 2006

The 2006 Pa QSO Party will be held this weekend.  Rules are available at the
following URL: http://www.nittany-arc.net/06_rules.pdf

A particularly interesting aspect of this contest is that stations maybe
worked once per band on each of the following modes: SSB, CW, PSK and RTTY.
(PSK and RTTY are new additions this year.)

Below is a list of declared plans - this is a small subset of the
anticipated participants.  Rover and mobile routes are in the order listed.

I hope you will give this contest a try!

73 Bud AA3B

Fixed & Portable Stations

Cty      Call              Notes

ADA      N3BNT/P           Primarily 40 & 80 SSB
ALL      AB3AW
ALL      WA3HAE            SSB/CW
ALL      N3SH              Bonus Station
ARM      K8YM/3            SSB/CW
BER      AA3B
BER      N3GWR             M/M SSB, CW, PSK31
BRA      WA3CSP/P          QRP
BUT      N3SH              Bonus Station
BUX      N3GNW
BUX      W3RT              40 & 80; mixed CW & SSB; VHF 6 & 2
CAR      K3NG              QRP
CEN      N3EMD             CW only
CHE      N3KN              All modes
CLA      KD8MQ/P           Possible CLA / FOR line
CLA      N3SH              Bonus Station
CLI      KC3M/P            CLI / LYC / UNI County line
CUM      W3IHY             160, 75, 40, 20, SSB, PSK
DCO      K3EGE             Both SSB and CW - 80 thru 6 meters
DCO      KW3A
ELK      KE3FO/P
ERI      AA2AD             mostly CW, maybe some SSB
FAY      K3MI
FAY      N3SH              Bonus Station
FRA      AD3PA/P           FUL / FRA County line, SSB, CW, 80, 40, 20 & PSK
FUL      AD3PA/P           FUL / FRA County line, SSB, CW, 80, 40, 20 & PSK
HUN      N3LL/P            160 THRU 10 METERS
HUN      NA3V              CW and SSB HF
LAC      KA3QLF            All Bands SSB / CW High Power
LAN      N3NTJ             All bands SSB, maybe some CW
LEH      NK8Q              QRP
LYC      KC3M/P            CLI / LYC / UNI County line
MCK      N3LLR
MCK      N3SH              Bonus Station
MGY      K3KFD             SSB
MTR      W3TDF/P
NHA      W3OK              Multi-single (club station)
PER      K3SV
PHI      KA3JOI            SSB
PHI      WA3QMJ            QRP CW
POT      K3CC              40 thru 6 meter SSB and CW
POT      N3PC
SCH      NT3V/P            with WA3WSJ.  HF, SSB,  CW,  2FM
SOM      KB3GUN            40 & 80 Primary, 2M on breaks
SOM      KC3XD             40 and 80 Phone
TIO      NR3K              M/M
UNI      KC3M/P            CLI / LYC / UNI County line
UNI      W3BN/P            SSB & maybe some CW
UNI      W3CCH/P           PSK & some RTTY
VEN      N3SH              Bonus Station
WAR      N3FR/P            40M and 80M only
WAS      N3SH              Bonus Station
WYO      N3KAE             With N3XLS M/M CW/PSK/RTTY/SSB
YOR      W3ZGD             160-10 6, 2, 432 Phone only

Mobile and Rover Routes

Cty      Call              Notes

INN      KN4SK/R
ARM      KN4SK/R
JEF      KN4SK/R
CLA      KN4SK/R
FOR      KN4SK/R
ELK      KN4SK/R
CRN      KN4SK/R
CLI      KN4SK/R

DAU      K3KYW/R           With W3FLH.   80, 40, 20, 2
SCH      K3KYW/R           With W3FLH.   80, 40, 20, 2
LEB      K3KYW/R           With W3FLH.   80, 40, 20, 2
LAN      K3KYW/R           With W3FLH.   80, 40, 20, 2

SUS      WA3RA/M
WAY      WA3RA/M
LAC      WA3RA/M
PIK      WA3RA/M
MOE      WA3RA/M
WYO      WA3RA/M
LUZ      WA3RA/M
SUL      WA3RA/M
SCH      WA3RA/M

POT      AD8J/M            SAT 16Z
CRN      AD8J/M            SAT 17Z
ELK      AD8J/M            SAT 18Z
MCK      AD8J/M            SAT 19Z
WAR      AD8J/M            SAT 20Z
FOR      AD8J/M            SAT 21Z
ELK      AD8J/M            SAT 22Z  80 & 75
MCK      AD8J/M            SAT 23Z  80 & 75
WAR      AD8J/M            SUN 00Z  80 & 75
FOR      AD8J/M            SUN 01Z  80 & 75
JEF      AD8J/M            SUN 02Z  80 & 75
CLA      AD8J/M            SUN 03Z  80 & 75
FOR      AD8J/M            SUN 13Z
JEF      AD8J/M            SUN 14Z
CLA      AD8J/M            SUN 15Z
VEN      AD8J/M            SUN 16Z
MER      AD8J/M            SUN 17Z
LAW      AD8J/M            SUN 18Z
BUT      AD8J/M            SUN 19Z
BEA      AD8J/M            SUN 20Z
ALL      AD8J/M            SUN 21Z

DAU      KB3CO/M           SAT
PER      KB3CO/M           SAT
JUN      KB3CO/M           SAT
SNY      KB3CO/M           SAT
NUM      KB3CO/M           SAT
MTR      KB3CO/M           SAT
UNI      KB3CO/M           SAT
CLI      KB3CO/M           SAT
CEN      KB3CO/M           SAT
CLE      KB3CO/M           SAT
JEF      KB3CO/M           SAT
JEF      KB3CO/M           SUN
FOR      KB3CO/M           SUN
ELK      KB3CO/M           SUN
CRN      KB3CO/M           SUN
CLE      KB3CO/M           or CLI, SUN
CEN      KB3CO/M           SUN
MIF      KB3CO/M           SUN
JUN      KB3CO/M           SUN

         K8RYU/R           Several SW Pa Counties
         W8HH/M            K8RYU while mobile between rover sites

MER      W3USA/M           SAT
LAW      W3USA/M           SAT
BUT      W3USA/M           SAT
ARM      W3USA/M           SAT
INN      W3USA/M           SAT
CMB      W3USA/M           SAT
SOM      W3USA/M           SAT
BED      W3USA/M           SAT
FUL      W3USA/M           SAT
HUN      W3USA/M           SAT
FRA      W3USA/M           SAT
CUM      W3USA/M           SAT
YOR      W3USA/M           SAT
DAU      W3USA/M           SAT
PER      W3USA/M           SAT
JUN      W3USA/M           SAT
SNY      W3USA/M           SAT
NUM      W3USA/M           SAT
MTR      W3USA/M           SAT maybe
UNI      W3USA/M           SAT
MTR      W3USA/M           SUN
NUM      W3USA/M           SUN
UNI      W3USA/M           SUN
LYC      W3USA/M           SUN maybe
CLI      W3USA/M           SUN
CEN      W3USA/M           SUN
CLE      W3USA/M           SUN
CRN      W3USA/M           SUN
ELK      W3USA/M           SUN
JEF      W3USA/M           SUN
CLA      W3USA/M           SUN
FOR      W3USA/M           SUN
VEN      W3USA/M           SUN
WAR      W3USA/M           SUN
CRA      W3USA/M           SUN
MER      W3USA/M           SUN
LAW      W3USA/M           SUN if time permits

Out of State

Sec      Call              Notes

CT       N1ZQ              Op W3IZ
KS       KA3LOC/0          QRP
SNJ      K2UBG             160-80-40 primarily ssb some cw
WCF      W3TB/4            Both modes but mostly CW
WY       WC7S              QRP

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