[CQ-Contest] 2005 CQ WW CW Contest Results

Jamie Dupree NS3T ns3t at arrl.net
Mon Oct 16 12:30:54 EDT 2006

It is great to have those results on line from CQ.  The folks
at CQ magazine are to be commended.

As I read the beginning of the writeup though, I was jolted out
of my seat by the need for some better copy-editing:

"The 2005 CQ WW DX CW Contest was looked forwarded to
by contesters from around the world.

Sure the sunspots were had all but disappeared, but undeterred
by this information, a record number of logs were submitted
from over 172 countries."

I'm a journalist and my grammar stinks sometimes.  But someone
at CQ must have read those first two sentences and had a second thought
about their publication.

73 NS3T

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