[CQ-Contest] Real Time Scoreboards

Barry w2up at mindspring.com
Fri Oct 20 16:13:39 EDT 2006

Interesting question, Bob.

The rule as currently written: The use of DX alerting assistance of any 
kind places the station in the Single Operator Assisted category. 

Since posting one's score is not DX Alerting, it should not place one in 
the Assisted category.

However, in my opinion, any use of the Internet during a contest should 
place a single op in the assisted category.  Once using the Internet for 
one thing, it's too easy to use it for other things such as browsing the 
Web Cluster.  Not to hijack the thread, but what is the Committee's 
opinion on Internet use for non-DX Alerting such as looking up WWV solar 
indices, sunrise/sunset times, etc. as it applies to single op vs. assisted?

Barry W2UP

Bob Cox wrote:
> Dear Fellow Contester,
> The CQ WW Contest Committee is discussing whether use of real-time
> contest scoreboards is likely to convey information about band
> openings and profitable tactics to an extent that participants using
> the scoreboards should be categorized as assisted. The 2006 CQ WW contest
> rules have already been published and they will govern the 2006 contests.
> We welcome your comments on this, and suggest the possibility of also
> sending the comments to the CQ-Contest reflector so that others can
> see them and possibly follow up.
> Comments can be sent to live at cqww.com 
> 73
> Bob, K3EST
> CQ WW Director
> For the CQ WW Committee
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Barry Kutner, W2UP             
Newtown, PA                     

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