[CQ-Contest] Dreaming

kr2q at optonline.net kr2q at optonline.net
Sat Oct 21 16:29:20 EDT 2006

Jim:My own thoughts....Maybe you thought this element of the scoring was so obvious, that you just left it out of your simplified system explanation:  Would you retain multipliers?   I hope so, otherwise this would just be a qso contest, not a DX contest (no incentive for working lots of Z+C).Would be fun to see how the scores might change, but I suspect that all it would do in terms of winners is make DX peditions to zones near populations centers (same continent) more competitive.  That might simply mean a redirection of "where" the ideal DxPed qth would be.  In fact, it might totally discourage DxPeds to "rare" places if there is not real advantage (which means more Q's which means more fun, which is why folks go there).  It is "already clear" that guys in zone (say) zone 8 are at a point disadvantage, but plenty of folks still go there (I must admit that I am somewhat surprised when one of them comments about the "only 2 points" from there...didn't they read the rules first?).  LOL.And yes, the JA's would have more 3 point qso's, but gee whiz, just how many non-JA, Asian qso's are out there for JA?  Would it really change anything for them?  If BY ever gets a reasonable proportion of hams compared to their population, we might be seeing all winners from JA if everything were 3 points per Q.  That is not bad or good, just different.Just thinking out loud.  :-)  And exercising my left hand/fingers after the "flattening."de Doug KR2Q

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