[CQ-Contest] Real Time Scoreboards

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at r66.ru
Mon Oct 23 01:29:30 EDT 2006

> Let's make it clear once for all, ASSISTANCE during the contests relates
to finding and "feeding" the operator with activity of stations on the bands
during the contests. That means providing the call and frequency, which
means someone else is "working for you" by S/P and providing info who and
> Yuri, K3BU

I think you definition is not complete. If someone sits behind you and says
".. Hey, you got this call sign wrong. It does not exist. Go and double
check it..." is it not ASSISTANCE? If that someone tells you that you have
forgotten to change antenna when changing the band and thus saves you 5
minutes of useless CQ, is it not ASSISTANCE?  In many cases computer does
just that for you and will do more and more in the future...

73, Igor UA9CDC

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