[CQ-Contest] Distance-Based Contest Concept + QSY rule

Scott Robbins w4pa at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 23 10:25:54 EDT 2006

>The reality check problem is that it doesn't eliminate the issue of some 
>geographical locations being more advantageous than others.  There are more 
>contesters in Europe and Eastern North America than anywhere else. 

>There ain't no such thing as a geographically fair contest.


>Gerry G0RTN

Distance-based is a great concept, but the true equalizer is the adoption of
the CW Sprint QSY rule to a distance-based DX contest.  Then no one gets to
park themselves on a frequency for hours at a time and it's ALL about finding
and making contacts.  Talk about giving the little pistols a chance to beat the
big dogs - that would be it... 


W4PA Contest Blog - http://w4pa.journalspace.com
What Is Radio Contesting? - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contesting

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