[CQ-Contest] NCCC Thursday Night Practice Party Oct. 26, SS rules!

Ken Keeler kenkeeler at jazznut.com
Thu Oct 26 04:55:30 EDT 2006

NCCC PRACTICE PARTY switches focus to ARRL SWEEPSTAKES this week,
Oct 26  local date in North America;   Oct. 27 Z time

   --30 mins   0230-03Z
-- Start 0230Z (1930 PDT, 2030 MDT, 2130 CDT 2230 EDT)

Rules:  actual SS rules, CW.  Choice of power, no dupes.

I just reviewed my UBN/LCR report for 2005, and boy, do I need practice 
copying CK!

The  schedule of Thursday (sometimes Friday also) events through February, 
2007 is now posted on the NEXT NS page at:

-- Report scores near 3830 LSB after the practice,  at 0300Z (8 PM PDT) on
the weekly NCCC contest net), or send your score directly to the 3830 
There is a template for this on the NS page.

Next week,  Nov. 2 and 3, it's more SS practice Thur. and Friday, all 
bands, cw


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