[CQ-Contest] Partner mode

Rick Dougherty nq4i at contesting.com
Mon Oct 30 11:27:20 EST 2006

Next New Thread....
We used partner mode on 20m and our raw score is up by over 20% from our previous years scores on 20m...we had set up a 3rd computer with audio feeds from both mult and run stations...it was mostly used in the run mode though...the 3rd op spent time confirming call signs and feeding new call signs to the run op...its our first time ever to bust the 2000 qso wall on 20m since our records date back to '96....

We saw an increase in our totals when we added a 2 station on 20m nearly 4 years ago...historical data from then shows that the increase from the 2nd station is approx 12%....this next step has taken us to a new level with a very modest increase in $$...

This required 5 op's to fully man on 20m....we had W1MD, NT6X, N4OX, K5ZM, and VE7ZO sat in for a lot of daytime hours too...

We will be implementing partner operating positions on 40m next and 15m soon too....as conditions improve, I can visualize 10m too....

de Rick NQ4I

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