[CQ-Contest] zero pointers

ve4xt at mts.net ve4xt at mts.net
Mon Oct 30 17:43:31 EST 2006

Rick, NQ4I wrote: ....do you think its fair for my station to respond to the
> hundreds who call in and work us on all 6 bands??? 

I think it goes with the territory of being one of the world's premiere contest 

He who casts the widest net catches the most fish, some are keepers, 
some are not.

When we mention the travails of operating from the Black Hole, the 
response from the Right Coast is often to move east or shut up. Perhaps 
this is just one of those geographic idiosyncrasies that a championship 
station is just going to have to accept. We all have our crosses to bear.

And I'm glad to hear NILing was just an argumentative tactic.

73, kelly

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