[CQ-Contest] zero pointers

k3bu at optonline.net k3bu at optonline.net
Tue Oct 31 07:27:41 EST 2006

Simnple CQ WW solution:
Own country QSOs count 1 point.
Own continent QSOs count 2 points
Other continents and space count 3 points.
 This would bring the CQ WW into the 21 century, simple scoring system, will bring more fun and become more meaningfull for comparing scores and eliminate huge bias in scoring. Records will just go up a notch. 
But, but, ...  then what about those contesters who go out to get cheap advantage of lopsided scoring? They will still have advantage and propagation to keep them on the top. 
There is always Tesla Cup 2007 that eliminates all that huge "punishment" for being from populous ham country.
73 and CU on CW where more sanity prevails all the way down to 7000
Yuri, K3BU

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