[CQ-Contest] Why does SS end at 10PM EDT???

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Tue Oct 31 19:55:51 EST 2006

I've been scratching my bald head again trying to figure out why the ARRL 
SS starts and ends so darn late EST.  You East Coast guys who have to get 
up and go to work Monday morning must have a tough time getting out of bed.

No biggie for us on the "Correct Coast", 'cuz 7PM is early.  We can even 
sleep until Noon or later on Saturday before SS starts.

I notice that numerous other ARRL sponsored contests end around 7PM EST (or 
real early Sunday Morning or Midday Sunday):

ARRL 10-Meter Contest
Ends at 2359 UTC Sunday (7PM EST)

ARRL 160 Meter Contest
Ends at 1600 UTC Sunday (Morning - 11AM EDT)

ARRL Field Day
Ends at 2100 UTC Sunday
(Starts at 1800 UTC Saturday like the NAQP)

IARU HF World Championship
Ends at 1200 UTC Sunday (Morning - 8AM EDT)

ARRL DX Contest (CW & SSB)
Ends at 2400 UTC Sunday (7PM EDT)

And then there is SS:

ARRL November Sweepstakes
Ends at 0300 UTC (MONDAY!!! - 10PM Sunday Night EST)
(Doesn't start until 2100 UTC on Saturday).

I'd sure like to know the rationale involved in not starting until 4PM EST 
on Saturday  and not ending until 10PM EST Sunday Night vs. something like 
a start of 1600 UTC Saturday (11AM EST) to ending on Sunday at 2200 UTC 
(6PM EST).  In such a venue, our East Coast brethren could finish up in 
time to also sit down and have dinner with their families.

Does anyone know WHY the SS hours are so out-of-sync???

Tnx & 73...

Rick, K6VVA

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