[CQ-Contest] Am I blessed or what????

Hershel L. Kreis, Jr. w4tmn at verizon.net
Tue Oct 31 22:29:55 EST 2006

A month or so ago, we had a discussion about our wives and contesting 
here on the reflector.  I did not put my two cents in then, mostly 
because my wife was still getting used to the idea of my contesting.  
(We have only been married 5 years and I was not active when we first 
married.)  I just got back into it last year after upgrading to a 
General ticket.  Well, a year later (along with a few "assertive" 
fellowship sessions) she has spent the second CQ WW DX weekend with me.  
I made sure that I heeded some of K1IR's suggestions prior to the 
weekend and it was heaven on earth.

Saturday, dinner and the accompanying beverage was delivered to the 
shack personally by my wife with a loving smile.  She also kept 
interruptions down to a minimum.

Sunday, she did not complain when I got up early (4am) after my nap 
(using a very loud alarm clock) to work a few more contacts prior to 
going to church.  My daughter even shocked my wife and I when she 
announced at the door of the shack a loud "Whiskey Four Tango Mike 
November" (the first time she has ever said that).  My wife, daughter 
and two sons gave me the weekend pretty much to myself, and I just wish 
that conditions on the air would have been that wonderful.

Sunday night after the contest ended, I put my little daughter (3 years 
old) to bed and gave my wife a break from everything and she really 
appreciated it so much so that not a negative word has been said about 

I think she is definitely a keeper!!!  It truly is wonderful to be 
married to my best friend who lets me play with you guys every now and then.

I can't wait for Sweepstakes weekend...........


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