[CQ-Contest] W2EV Stew Perry Analysis

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 8 21:27:08 EDT 2006

This was my first Stew Perry (and first 160 meter
contest).  I was a search-and-pounce operator.  My
station consisted of 100 watts to an inverted Vee at
40-feet.  How’d I do?

I scored 266/480 (all categories, all stations).  45th
Percentile (55% of the participants beat my score).

While I may have been elated initially, that all
changed after downloading the results table and
analyzing things a bit more:

Against all Single Operator stations, I was 257/467 –
45th Percentile again
Against only SO, Low Power, I was 109/207 – 47th
percentile (Hey, pretty cool!)

Then, reality struck...
Against all SO’s in the FN field, I was 41/63 – 35th
Against SO, LP in the FN field, I was 22/31 – 29th
Against all SO’s in FN02/03 (my immediate area), I was
a sad 6/7 – 15th Percentile

My best DX was only half of all other stations in my
area.  Also, my QSO count was ½ to ¼ that of others in
my area.  I am now asking myself what I could do to
improve next time.

Thanks to the Boring Oregon club for sponsoring the

Ev, W2EV

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