[CQ-Contest] KC1J is new ARRL Contest Branch manager

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 13 08:50:48 EDT 2006

--- From: Richard DiDonna NN3W [mailto:nn3w at cox.net] 
> K, although I can't find a single contest score
> reported by KC1J in the 3830 reflector.....

--- Robert Naumann <w5ov at w5ov.com> wrote:
> I can't find a score for him in QST either.
> Oh, wait...
> Never mind.

I don't recall that appearing on the "3830 reflector"
or in QST was a prerequisite to applying for the job.

I *do* notice that he's the person behind much of the
web development efforts at the League.  If he's even
half of the forward-thinking technologist that he
appears to be, he will take Billy, Warren and Dan's
progressively enhanced work and find newer and even
more efficient systems to apply to enhance our
enjoyment of the hobby even more.


Ev, W2EV

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