[CQ-Contest] Defining CQ's Operating Time

Ev Tupis w2ev at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 22 07:49:41 EDT 2006

--- A correction follows ---------------------------

"Since this is a CQ-sponsored list"

[Mike (K9NW), Kenneth (WM5R) and Doug (KR2Q) pointed
out] CQ-Contest is not sponsored in any way, shape, or
form by CQ, CQWWDX, or CQWPX.

So it appears that the the item below is simply for
discussion and not adjudication:

> Based on the document found at this
> URL: http://www.cqww.com/WW%20Rules%202006.pdf
> In Section VIII, there is a reference to requiring
> single operator stations to operate for 12 hours.
> Based on a recent posting to this list where a
> station can park on 10-meters and "wait for the
> band to open", I wonder...
> How is the term "operate" defined and "operating
> time" calculated for the purposes of meeting this
> rule?
> Ev Tupis, W2EV

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