[CQ-Contest] FQP 40m CW window expanded

Hank Greeb n8xx at arrl.org
Wed Apr 25 16:35:36 EDT 2007

Please be advised that the internationally recognized QRP calling and
operating frequency centers on 7030 KHz, ± a few KHz, and many QRPers
will be out during the QRP To the Field on Saturday (QRPTTF), times
coinciding with the Florida QSO party.  Many of the QRP rigs are crystal
controlled, so will need to operate within the suggested FQP mobile
frequency "window."

I mention this only to alert the contesters.  The QRP folks do not
intend to interfere with the Mobiles, and we assume that the mobiles
will not intend to interfere with QRP stations.  We all realize that no
one has a "right" to any frequency, and we will attempt to not interfere
with the intent of the FQP operations.

However, in my experience, contesters (and I'm a semi-die-hard
contester) do not always share the same viewpoint.

72/73 de n8xx Hg  (Operating QRPTTF beginning at 1500Z Saturday, April
28 and ending about 0300Z Sunday, April 29)

I might say "give my 4.9 watt "peanut whistle" a break. :)

Nzharps at aol.com wrote:
> Please be aware that the FL QSO Party mobile window on 40m CW has been expanded. The new window is 7020-7030. 
> All other mobile windows for the FQP will remain as they have been:
>     CW-- 7020-7030, 14040-14050, 21040-21050,  28040-28050
>     SSB- 7265-7275, 14265-14275, 21340-21350,  28480-28490
> Fixed stations in FL should try to avoid CQ'ing within those windows. 
> Give the "100w hamstick" crowd a break:)
> 73,
> Ron, K8NZ

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