[CQ-Contest] Contesters and LOTW

Per Eklund per.e at kommunicera.umea.se
Thu Aug 9 09:15:30 EDT 2007

Another way to look at it:
>From 2006-01-01 worked 6994 QSO.
CFM via Lotw AND bureau request on same QSO = 48 QSO.
Less than 1 %...
73 Per SM2LIY / SM2M

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shelby Summerville" <k4ww at arrl.net>
To: "CQ-Contest" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Contesters and LOTW

> Andrei Stchislenok wrote: "LoTW is a good thing."
> As I sit here, actually dreading to start processing another of my, 
> quarterly, 4 pounds of cards, from the bureau, I wonder: "if LoTW is such a 
> "good thing", why I continue to get 20+ pounds of cards annually"? I don't 
> consider myself an "overly active" contester, and I also wonder how the 
> "overly active" stations deal with this issue, if they experience it?
> The vast majority, 95%, of these cards are unsolicited, and from RTTY 
> contesters! I have absolutely no problem with answering any/all "first 
> request", regardless of band/mode. I do have a problem with receiving many 
> duplicate band/mode requests! Just how many times can any specific DX 
> station want KY confirmed on 20 meters? I suspect that many DX stations 
> "dump their entire contest logs into their outgoing bureau"? Sorting the 
> duplicate band/mode request from the "first request" cards, is a time 
> consuming process, and has literally taken the enjoyment away from operating 
> DX contests, for me! It has also made me seriously consider withdrawing from 
> the inbound ARRL QSL bureau, and accepting only direct, or email requests. I 
> would much rather receive several email requests, after any contest, and 
> return that request, via the bureau, than continue to receive 20+ pounds, 
> annually!
> Bottom line: If you're a DX station, and need my card....do us both a favor, 
> and send me an email request!!
> 73, Shelby - K4WW 
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