[CQ-Contest] Pre-emptive QSLing - was:Contesters and LOTW

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Fri Aug 10 03:00:05 EDT 2007

Pete, N4ZR, wrote:

> Another logical next step would be to enable a QSL-printing facility like
> that on EQsl, such that stations wishing to do so could download a
> printable QSL card for any QSOs they particularly wanted to put up on the
> wall.  Carry it a step further, and any station could, for a small fee,
> upload a customized QSL that would be used when others requested a
> printable QSL from that station.

The technology to do this has been available for years.  Sometimes I just don't understand why the Amateur Radio Community often continues operating in the dark ages of communications (like using email "Reflectors" when "Forum Boards" are so much more efficient and organizationally useful).

Pete, you should lead the charge on taking things "a step further" as you've outlined above.  You have my vote!!!


Rick, K6VVA

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