[CQ-Contest] Microsoft Virtual PC - multiple operating systems

Robert Brandon rb at austin.rr.com
Wed Dec 12 17:02:31 EST 2007

It's definitely an interesting tool, although not the first of its type on
the block.  And the price is certainly right.  :-)  It allows you to run
multiple operating systems *simultaneously* on a single machine.  Its
primary uses in the business world are reducing the hardware requirements of
test labs/training labs and allowing uber-geeks to bounce between a Linux
machine, Windows machine, etc. with just one physical computer.  On the
server side, it allows consolidation and isolation of several applications
on a single physical machine, quick restores to a previous states, etc.

Unfortunately, programs like Virtual PC do NOT get around the problem that
DOS applications face when running on NT/2K/XP/Vista.  The DOS programs were
written to communicate directly with hardware.  This made it easy to send
perfectly timed dits and dahs to a serial/parallel port.  Windows 95/98/ME
would still allow that because they were based on DOS.  NT/2K/XP/Vista
intercept and referee all calls to the hardware.  If anything, VPC adds yet
another layer of referees.

Robert K5PI

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dave Hachadorian
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 12:48 PM
To: cq-contest reflector
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Microsoft Virtual PC - multiple operating systems

I just stumbled across a reference to Microsoft Virtual PC, 
a free program from Microsoft that supposedly allows the use 
of multiple operating systems on one PC.

Any thoughts on whether this would be suitable for running 
DOS logging applications on an XP computer, or running 
windows loggers under XP on a Vista computer?

There's probably a catch, because the computer 
wonk/contesters out there should have tipped us off to this 
by now.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ 

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