[CQ-Contest] The Cheating Thing

Steve Harrison k0xp at dandy.net
Thu Dec 13 13:38:06 EST 2007

At 06:15 PM 12/12/2007 -0500, Steve Sacco wrote:
>I believe the time may have come to move the CW and digital contests into 
>"virtual world".  (Phone 'tests won't be far behind, pending sufficiently 
>powerful voice recognition applications).  
>Think about the advantages: the possibility of a level playing field for 
>all, realtime scoring, instant results, and given a way to verify the 
>actual person operating virtual station, no ability to cheat.  Obviously, 
>this could be extended, just like other MMOG's, to allow personalization 
>of your own antennas/equipment/location.  Perhaps you could "buy" better 
>hardware or locations with the points you earned from your previous 
>contest efforts.
>The possibilities are endless, really.

Oh, Lord: spare me from such virtuality  ;o\  ;o\  ;o\

OTOH, if all the super-contesters were on the web doing a virtual contest,
that'd leave the bands quiet, wide open, and relatively uncrowded for we
lil pistol DXers who don't care for computer gaming activities

Steve, K0XP

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