[CQ-Contest] Torture

Rich Gelber, K2WR k2wr at njdxa.org
Fri Dec 14 19:56:01 EST 2007

Many people have cautioned me over the years not to mix religion, 
politics, or sex with ham radio.  I never understood that advice since 
they constitute all the things in this world that are fun, or so it 
always seemed to me.  So, if you agree in particular with the advice 
regarding politics, you might not want to read any further.

The endless debate about packet cheating and recording contests 
constitutes torture, by any rational standard.  It's hard to imagine 
that waterboarding could be worse.  I don't know if the CIA has any 
videotapes of me being tortured by reading this reflector, but then 
again I don't know that they don't.  They aren't likely to tell me, are 
they?  Therefore, please be informed that I will continue to make fun of 
the entire thing until you all stop.  You have been warned.


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