[CQ-Contest] Recording your CQ WW CW contest

Eric Hilding b38 at hilding.com
Sat Dec 15 21:33:29 EST 2007

Ron, W3WN, wrote:


Ø  You say there's "no reason not to require serious contesters" to record?


Ø  NO.  This crosses a line.  This goes too far.  This is not a matter of

Ø  technology, it's a matter of trust.


I do not believe it is as much a presumption of guilt directed toward every
contester until proven innocent, as much as it is “WHATEVER IT TAKES TO


Sadly, some have demonstrated that they can NOT be “trusted”.  An old adage
comes to mind:


‘There is no honor among thieves’ 


Contesting cheaters are actually contesting thieves, because they rob awards
and rewards from the deserving who play fair & square by the rules.


A Jewel of Wisdom:


‘Trust, but V-E-R-I-F-Y’ 




Rick, K6VVA





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