[CQ-Contest] Laptop and RFI

Barry w2up3 at verizon.net
Sun Dec 16 16:10:55 EST 2007

Hi all,
Sorry, but this is not about cheating :.)

When setting up for the 10m contest, I discovered RF is getting into my 
laptop/keying line when running power.  I'm using a Dell laptop with 2 
USB to COM adapters - one for the radio and one for CW.  As I increase 
power above 200W, the CW starts to slur, then goes solid keydown.  As I 
lower the power it comes back without skipping a beat.  I tried 
disconnecting everything going in and out of the laptop except the CW 
serial port and no change.  I tried some ferrites on the cable and no 
difference.  I've never had any RF problems before (but used a desktop 
computer in the past), everything is well-grounded, and the antenna is 
about 200 ft from the shack.  It's fine on all other bands running full 
power.  Any ideas?
Barry W2UP


Barry Kutner, W2UP             Newtown, PA   

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