[CQ-Contest] contesting 10 years from now

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Thu Feb 1 00:06:02 EST 2007

Somehow this seemed like a serious question to me.  If Tonno is getting 
any serious replies (other than the first one about virtual contesting) 
they must be going direct and off the list.  Kind of a shame ... I would 
have liked to have seen them.  Maybe he will summarize them after the 
QRN passes.

Dave  AB7E

Tonno Vahk wrote:

> hi,
> I have been asked to deliver presentation on the top notch contesting 
> technology today and what might it look like 10 years from now.
> Would you people with vision provide some ideas to me as to what do you 
> think the biggest changes/transformations are in top level contesting within 
> the next ten years?
> 73
> Tonno
> ES5TV 


Anything worth doing is worth doing to excess.

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