[CQ-Contest] contesting 10 years from now

Dale Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Thu Feb 1 10:15:31 EST 2007


> -----O
> CW has also been outlawed and owning any form of a key/keyer 
> is a felony.


If you outlaw keys/keyers, only outlaws will have them. 

"Robber sticks up convenience store brandishing a Bencher paddle" 

"Man is arrested by Homeland Security as he tries to pass through airport
gate security with a J-38 in his carry-on bag"

"Swat team surrounds school while Teenager wields a set of Bulldog paddles."

"Ham accidentally injures himself while cleaning his Vibroplex Iambic

"Mexican 'coyote' arrested by U.S. Border Patrol found to have a set of
AzQRPions paddles in his possession."

Oh, the humanity....

dale, kg5u

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