[CQ-Contest] TEAM BUG looking for a few ops for CW SPRINT

Dan Eskenazi desk at nwlink.com
Tue Feb 6 17:40:36 EST 2007

Hi gang.....

having rediscovered the joys of an old vibroplex bug, decided to give er a 
go in the CW sprint this
coming weekend. Having not used a bug in over 35 years, its taking a bit of 
getting used to, and
I would like to apologize in advance for my QLF sending this weekend. 
Figure my wrist may last into the second
hour but no telling... will be keeping some alligator clips with clumps of 
solder on them to be able to
change speeds as needed. if you hear way too many dits, its probably going 
to be me or one of our team.

If you, yourself, would like to join in on this rush to the past during the 
CW SPRINT this weekend, please
drop me a line and we can compile a team.  So far, we have one (1) on the 
team...so lots of room to add your

Dont have any expectations other than having some fun, and hearing the 
other "lake erie swings" as we work our way up the band.

Highest scoring member of the team will be awarded a big clump of solder to 
add to their own bug weight collection.

73 and see ya in the moshpit...

nr 1 BUG WA de K7SS (or maybe K7HH, or even K755...who knows! )

desk at nwlink.com

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