[CQ-Contest] Russian DX contest web site.

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at r66.ru
Thu Feb 8 12:38:10 EST 2007

I have just visited the web site of Russian DX contest www.rdxc.org and was
glad to find there yet another extremely useful set of statistical data.
 World Stations Statistic by Band/Time/QSO
http://www.rdxc.org/asp/pages/stat.asp?ID=0&YEAR=13 and
World Stations Statistic by QSO Points/Band
http://www.rdxc.org/asp/pages/stat_p.asp?ID=0&YEAR=13 are so useful for  the
analyses that it is difficult to overestimate. I just wish that all the
other major contests follow this wonderful example. This really makes
contesting so much more interesting. Big thanks to RDXC sponsors and see you
all again this year in March.

73, Igor UA9CDC

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