[CQ-Contest] Life in the World of Packet

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Mon Feb 19 15:10:29 EST 2007

Heehee - EE5E was a real callsign.  I got a list of expected operations 
before the contest and that one was on the list.  We talked about it 
before the contest started and it turned out to be one of the first 
stations we worked. I kind of liked the sound of it on CW!

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, 19 Feb 2007, Doug Renwick wrote:

> How about using the call EE5E on cw.  At first I thought it
> was someone playing with the dit paddle before I realized it
> was actually someone calling me.
> Doug/VA5DX
> And nothing much to do with packet, but 557/N3BNA sure was
> an  interesting callsign.
> 73   -   Jim    K8MR

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