[CQ-Contest] Changing categories

Art - W6KY w6ky at sbcglobal.net
Mon Feb 19 23:36:58 EST 2007

Ricks solution is great and I would go one step further.
'Only those stations pre-registered will be eligible for awards'...

What other sporting event in the world can you claim a category
after you have performed?? 

I like the WRTC log submission immediately following the close
of the contest....

Some things aren't feasible, but pre-registering for awards is!

73, Art   W6KY

Eric Hilding wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Feb 2007, Yuri VE3DZ wrote:
>> Worked one well-known contester today, who was part of the DX multi-op team
>> in the last weekend's contest. When I asked what category they were in he
>> refused to answer saying that they won't reveal it until after LOG's
>> submission deadline, so the competitors "won't have a chance to adjust and
>> change their categories".
>> Is this something new? I know some people NEVER post their scores on 3830...
>> Should we all who attempt to make top ten NOT do this?
> There is a practical solution to solve this problem.
> Just as NAQP & Sprint teams must "Register" before the event, any SO, M/S, M/2, or M/M entry seeking to submit a post-event log in hopes of winning something needs to "Register" their category status with the Sponsor up to a One Hour cutoff before the checkered flag starts.  If logs can be submitted electronically, so can registration be done.
> Out of the Country?  Not a problem...have a Stateside pal do it for you after your on-air sked 1.1 hours before starting time.
> 73...
> Rick, K6VVA
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