[CQ-Contest] Contest Calls

Albert Crespo f5vhj at wanadoo.fr
Thu Feb 22 05:15:03 EST 2007

If you are serious about contesting, then you should be serious about the callsign used. . The KISS ( Keep it simple stupid) concept works for a reason. Since many contest stations can now pick their calls signs, deciding to use something like HH5H is just inviting confusion. 
 The idea is work as many stations as possible in the contest, and that means that both sides get the call sign correct! If the other station does not posses your "superior" operating skills, that is irrelevant at the end of the day. All that counts is that the correct callsign end up in the logs of both stations.
"Keep up the rate " to  me means as few NILs and busted calls as possible.
73, Albert

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