[CQ-Contest] WRTC Selection Criteria

John Cashen jrcashen at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 27 00:06:29 EST 2007

Yuri, you said:

"For instance, there was only 1 spot for Canada in the last WRTC, and guys
from VE5/6/7 had to compete with VE1/VO1/VY2, which I believe makes a bit
more difference, than, for example between Indiana and Tennessee...
IMHO, the selection should be made by comparing scores IN THE SAME area. I.E.
0W4's have to compete against W4's, VE3's - against VE3's and so on."

How about VK/ZL competing with KH6 for one (or zero) continental place?

John     VK4UC/W6KNC

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