[CQ-Contest] Improving Concentration

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Sat Jan 6 08:16:29 EST 2007

In a message dated 1/5/2007 9:02:33 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
cq-contest-request at contesting.com writes:

>  George is correct here. There was an article in the New York  
Times just this week that indicates our conscious mind has 
quite  limited control over the subconscious, and that we 
operate primarily at  the subconscious level.

         This is a really  interesting topic. Your conscious mind can really 
screw you up. There are  several "Inner" books out there; e.g. "Inner Tennis". 
You don't have to be a  tennis player to understand and appreciate the 
conflict. Your subconscious knows  what to do - don't let your conscious mind screw 
it up. 
        Here's an example. When my  son was little - 4-5-ish - I took him to 
a rock climbing area so we could mess  around climbing a little bit. He did 
EVERYTHING right instinctively. It's when  you become an adult and forget all 
that stuff and your conscious mind  starts up - What if I slip? I'm scared. What 
do I do now?
        It's also called getting in  the Zone where you don't even have to 
think about something to do it. The  challenge is to be able to get in the Zone 
when you need to. 
Steve     K7LXC

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