[CQ-Contest] Where will NAQP SSB be?

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 11:05:50 EST 2007

This is a good question...not just for the NAQP, but for all SSB contests. It's 
particularly interesting for those of us who have narrow bandwidth antennas on 
80/75, such as 4-squares and wire beams. This will definitely need more 
discussion before the ARRL DX contest in early March.

Steve, N2IC

Scott Robbins wrote:
> So - doing antenna work at K4JNY yesterday with Jeff, W4NZ and K0EJ included
> putting up another low dipole for 75/80m use.  As were were tuning it, the
> question came up:
> Where is the NAQP SSB contest on 75m now going to be?
> 3700?
> 3850?
> 3625? 
> I'm assuming we're going to pile in on the lower part of the new SSB part to
> avoid the conflicts we've had with non-contest use of the band in years past. 
> Am I right?
> Scott W4PA
> W4PA Contest Blog - http://w4pa.journalspace.com
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