[CQ-Contest] Annoying Trend

K6VVA LQP HQ dx35 at hilding.com
Wed Jan 24 21:24:06 EST 2007

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, John W5TD, wrote:

 > Then why not state in the rules:
 > Check (the last two digits made up at random)
 > It seems pretty straightforward what the check is. I
 > cannot see why some people are so resistant to
 > sending the correct thing.

I cannot see why the ARRL is "so resistant" to revising the rules to read 

1.  "You may use any CK other than your actual first year licensed"; OR,

2. "If you use any CK other than your actual first year licensed, your log 
will be considered null and void."

This is really a no brainer and all future discussions on this matter can 
be eliminated,  ***IF*** the ARRL takes the requisite action to amend the 
rules and ***ENFORCE*** #2 above if that is the option they roll with.

Another option, of course, is to axe CK from the exchange.


Rick, K6VVA

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