[CQ-Contest] Inconsiderate CW Operators....

ku8e at bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Wed Jan 31 14:37:04 EST 2007

 What ???????   I must of been operating a different contest.  During the primetime operating hours there wasn't a clear spot anywhere below 1870 Khz.  I even heard guys like VY2ZM running EU up above 1870 so they would have a clear spot to listen for the little guns. Many JA's were listening split above 1900 because of the BY radar problem they have in Asia.

 If I am not mistaken the bandplan is in place so SSB operators don't QRM the DX window. CW is the mode of choice for most 160 diehard DXers.  These "bandplans" are suggestions not rules and during a contest weekend tend to be thrown out the window...

73, Jeff  KU8E

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