[CQ-Contest] CTU Survey Results

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 23:42:02 EDT 2007

> Just a minor point, Win98 is not a Windows Operating system. It is a GUI
application running on top of a DOS operating system.
> This is quite different from the real Windows operating systems such as
Win NT, 2000, XP and I hate to mention it: Vista. All of these systems do
not allow direct access to ports as DOS does and this is the reason that TR
will not run on a Windows platform.
> 73,
> Bob W5OV
Hi Bob,
There was a reason why Microsoft named Win3.1 then 3.11 and Win98 "Windows".
That reason is just GUI. Then "Real Windows" as you call it, such as NT and
XP is merely a transition from Windows to what you hate mention -Vista :)

73, Igor UA9CDC

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