[CQ-Contest] IARU Contest - Strange Announcement

Randy Thompson k5zd at charter.net
Thu Jul 5 18:24:35 EDT 2007

Who does the log checking for the IARU contest anyway?  I know the ARRL
handles it, but who is the person checking the logs?

Randy, K5ZD 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com 
> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Steve London
> Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 4:45 PM
> To: CQ Contest
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] IARU Contest - Strange Announcement
> This was sent to the ARRL PR reflector (only). I have no idea 
> why it isn't being distributed more widely.
> Attention Cheaters: Note the sentence:
> " If exceptional results are claimed, entrants must be 
> prepared to explain how they were achieved. "
> I hope they mean what they say. I'll be watching closely !
> And for you ARRL members, note the sentence:
> " The IARU Administrative Council discussed various issues 
> related to the event and asked that the ARRL devote the 
> resources necessary to maintain a high standard of adjudication. "
> Translation: resources == money . ARRL money only. No 
> contribution from the rest of the IARU.
> 73,
> Steve, N2IC
> > Get Ready for the IARU HF World Championship, July 14-15!
> > 
> > Participation in the IARU HF World Championship has grown 
> steadily for the
> > past four years, despite solar activity trending in the 
> wrong direction. The
> > creation of Low Power and QRP categories has contributed to 
> increasing both
> > the popularity and the competitiveness of the event.
> > 
> > The ARRL administers the HF World Championship on behalf of 
> the IARU. At its
> > May 2007 meeting the IARU Administrative Council discussed 
> various issues
> > related to the event and asked that the ARRL devote the 
> resources necessary
> > to maintain a high standard of adjudication.
> > 
> > A condition of entry in the IARU HF World Championship is 
> that each entrant
> > agrees to be bound by the provisions of the announced rules, by the
> > regulations of his/her licensing authority, and by the 
> decisions of the ARRL
> > Awards Committee acting for the IARU International 
> Secretariat. Leading
> > competitors should expect their entries to be carefully 
> scrutinized. If
> > exceptional results are claimed, entrants must be prepared 
> to explain how
> > they were achieved.
> > 
> > Reminder: In addition to the zone and "HQ station" 
> multipliers there are four
> > additional multipliers available per band by contacting 
> members of the IARU
> > Administrative Council and the regional IARU executive committees.
> > Administrative Council members may send "AC" instead of 
> their zone, while
> > regional executive committee members may send "R1," "R2" or "R3" as
> > appropriate.
> > 
> > See you on the air for the 24 hours beginning at 1200 UTC 
> Saturday, July 14!
> > - David Sumner, K1ZZ, IARU Secretary
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