[CQ-Contest] New Radios

kr2q at optonline.net kr2q at optonline.net
Thu Jul 5 20:43:17 EDT 2007

Hi Tom (et al),

If you have a lot of guest ops, maybe you made a reasonable choice, although I do note
that there are still lots of "knobs" to find, remember where they are, and use on the 2000.

For most single (non-guest) ops, the vast majority of functions are present on the front 
panel of the K3; I mean, how often will one adjust the sidetone pitch or the cw rise time 
(which are on menus)?

Once you start contesting, it's all right there for you (K3) and not via a menu.  I think that if
one wants to twiddle too many dials during a contest, well, maybe they are more into DXing
than winning a contest.  LOL  (monoband entries possibly exempted, esp low bands).

If you measure your logic again in, say, 3 years, the results may change because by then, I
suspect that most contesters will be using the K3 (ie, no learning curve cuz it's already the
radio they know).

How's that for a bold prediction?

de Doug KR2Q

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