[CQ-Contest] IARU - July 14-15 - NOT July 7-8

Ward Silver hwardsil at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 10:38:46 EDT 2007


The ARRL DX Bulletin is in error - the IARU HF Championship is on 14-15 
July.  It is NOT on July 7-8.  I apologize for the error in Contest Corral. 
The Web version of Contest Corral is correct as was the original contest 
announcement in the April issue of QST.  The DX Bulletin editor apparently - 
and innocently - used information from July QST, not realizing the 
information was incorrect.  The fault is entirely that of the Contest Corral 
editor, namely me.

Please relay this information to your local clubs, friends, neighbors, and 

73, Ward N0AX
Editor, QST Contest Corral 

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