[CQ-Contest] CQWW and 0 pointers

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr at k3lr.com
Sun Jul 8 20:32:27 EDT 2007

Hello Bill!

Sometimes we feel like we are in zone 4!

K3LR is in Pennsylvania and 1 mile east of zone 4, but very much in ZONE 5.

We log all QSOs, including 0 point ones.

QSL 100% too

See you in October and November!

Tim K3LR

Bill Tippett wrote:

> At 11:53 PM 7/8/07, Paul J. Piercey wrote:
> >So now, along with Super Check Partial, I need a database that tells me who
> >logs everyone and who doesn't? Can I get one that tells me who's on LoTW and
> >who's not and who QSLs and who doesn't too?
>          Here's your SCP list:
> Zone 5:  KC1XX, W3LPL (p.s. don't bother NQ4I)
> Zone 4: K9NS, K3LR
> Zone 3: N6RO, NK7U
> How hard was that?  If you don't hear these guys
> CQ-ing on all 6 bands, you need some antenna work.
> >For the record... I log everyone. Don't care about 0 pointers.
>          Me too, so add me to your Zone 5 SCP!  But
> if I hear a 3 pointer calling simultaneously I'm answering
> him first.  ;-)
>                                  73,  Bill  W4ZV
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