[CQ-Contest] Where is the center of your contest club?

Paul Young youngp at hp.com
Mon Jul 9 12:15:32 EDT 2007

I believe that new contesters are more likely to be successful
and to stick with contesting if they become members of a contest
club.  So I'm gathering data for a web page which would allow
someone to enter their QTH and find the contest club or clubs in
their area.

To do this I need some data about all contest clubs. What I am
looking for is:

   Club name

   Club center Lat/Long and possibly city or town and state.

   Club website URL

   Club contact person - name, call, maybe e-mail and/or phone.

If you know this information for your club please send it to me
either by replying to this or sending it to uwphoto - at - verizon.net

                                 Paul, K1XM

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