[CQ-Contest] The United States of Europe: Was 0 pointers

Marijan Miletic', S56A s56a at bit.si
Tue Jul 10 17:26:37 EDT 2007

K8CC wrote: I believe that what you propose is the same as multiplier structure for 
the CQWW RTTY contest...

This concept was further refined in my 1998 rules of S5 SCC RTTY contest acknowledging big countries.
Probably the fairest scoring system would be VHF 4 chars big fields distance but no HF acceptance yet.

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU


One (1) QSO point for contacts within your own DXCC or WAE country; 

Two (2) QSO points for contacts within your own continent but outside your own DXCC or WAE country; 

Two (2) QSO points for contacts between different W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS, JA and PY call areas, LU provinces and Asiatic Russia UA9/UA0 oblasts; 

Three (3) QSO points for contacts outside your own continent. 

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