[CQ-Contest] Zero Beating

Richard L. King k5na at ecpi.com
Fri Jun 1 08:37:27 EDT 2007

I noticed that about 80% (maybe even more) of my callers called me 50 
to 250 cycles higher than my signal. It got to the point, that during 
a CQ, I would always set my RIT to 100 cycles above my calling 
frequency to be ready for them.

I thought it was something wrong with the design of my two MkVs. Or 
maybe it was the way I had the pitch control set up.

73, Richard - K5NA  aka KT2Z

At 22:58 5/31/2007, Mike Fatchett W0MU wrote:
>I noticed in the WPX CW test that a fair number of stations were way off my
>xmit frequency.  This is the first time I recall making a mental note of
>this occurring in a contest.  I had my skirts set at 300 and then 500.  Some
>were off enough that I thought it was adjacent QRM till I tuned to them and
>found they were calling me.
>I understand the benefits of not being zero beat to differentiate yourself
>from the pack.  Is this a case of poor operating, forgetting about your rit
>or all of the above?
>Anyone else notice this?
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