[CQ-Contest] IARU HF Champinship 2006 Results - comedy

DL8MBS prickler.schneider at t-online.de
Wed Jun 13 11:07:55 EDT 2007

Ev Tupis wrote:

>This is accomplished to a great degree by the RFSport.com online-scoring initiative.  -= Ev, W2EV =-
Or as well by the organizers of the EU-sprint and I never heard of 
complaints and any nitpicking. I guess there won´t be great interest in 
small logs other than by other fellow submitters of small logs. And my 
comment about any real or secret reasons for not publishing logs was 
without any second thoughts. I really can´t understand why the written 
summary of something happening in public (on the air-operation) should 
be secret. IMHO things to critize can be more clearly heard on the bands 
than can be read in a log.

Best 73, Chris


(www.dl8mbs.de <http://www.dl8mbs.de/>)

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