[CQ-Contest] Icom favorite radio survey

Hank Greeb n8xx at arrl.org
Wed Jun 13 19:53:44 EDT 2007

They ain't gonna like my answer - I told them they needed to get away 
from all the garbage generated by Sympathized VFO's in their rigs.  We 
have an Icom 718 at our club, and we can't use any other rig on the same 
band even if we put the 718 on 3.501 MHz for example, and another rig on 
3.995 MHz.  Same with lots of the other rigs in our club site.

73 de n8xx Hg

Ken Widelitz wrote:

>I found this interesting. Survey on your favorite radio, not necessarily
>Icom. IC-R5 drawing prize. No particular interest in Icom here.
>73, Ken, K6LA / VY2TT

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