[CQ-Contest] QST vs. NCJ

Steve Harrison k0xp at dandy.net
Mon Jun 18 20:24:25 EDT 2007

At 10:10 PM 6/18/2007 +0000, steve.root at culligan4water.com wrote:
>The economic argument is probably the most valid, but as a contester/DXer 
>I still feel somewhat slighted.

I've always felt VERY slighted; and it's always been the main reason why
I've not renewed my QST subscription from time to time (no chastisements
required that I'm not really "buying" a subscription to QST but instead,
paying for ARRL membership for which QST happens to be a "fringe benefit",
eh  ;o\  ;o\  ;o\  ) 

Steve, K0XP

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