[CQ-Contest] NCJ Inputs - Contesting on a Budget, Mar/Apr 2007

PaulKB8N at aol.com PaulKB8N at aol.com
Sun Mar 4 21:07:17 EST 2007

Thanks for all your past inputs.  This time I'm actually going to try  to get 
my article in to Carl early!
I had selected the topic "Goin' Broke by Goin Mobile?" for this  upcoming 
issue, which dovetails nicely with the theme of this issue, which is  Portable 
Contesting.  I'm just going to revise the topic slightly to  include "or 
portable" verbiage.  So here is the topic:
Topic for March-April 2007: Goin’ Broke by Goin’ Mobile or Portable?  With 
zoning restrictions and covenants,  mobile and/or portable operating offers a 
refreshing opportunity to enjoy  contesting.  Gone are the days when  
mobile/portable ops consisted of simple homebrew gear and antennas.  It is now a 
high-tech (and often  expensive) endeavor.  What  suggestions do you have for 
mobile/portable radios, antennas and accessories  that will help make mobile and 
portable operation affordable? 
This is an area of keen interest for me, so I am looking  forward to your 
inputs.  Please respond by Saturday, March 10th.  As  always, thanks in advance 
for what are certain to be some enlightening  responses.
Thanks and 73,
Paul, K5AF
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