[CQ-Contest] Self Spotting

Kenneth E. Harker kenharker at kenharker.com
Mon Mar 5 13:41:16 EST 2007

On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 11:13:06AM -0500, ku8e at bellsouth.net wrote:
> >From ARRL Webpage : HF Contesting - Good Practices, Interpretations and Suggestions
> 6) Spotting and Use of Spots 
> a) Self-spotting 
> Self-spotting is the practice of announcing your own call and run frequency on the spotting network. A few contests have categories that allow self-spotting, but most don't. For example, ARRL contest rules specifically prohibit both self-spotting and requesting spotting by other stations. It's a form of CQ-ing that does not take place on the amateur bands, just a step away from making phone calls to solicit contacts. Read the rules of the contest to find out if self-spotting is allowed. 
> >From ARRL General HF Rules:
> For Single Op - Unassisted
> 2.1.1.Use of spotting assistance or nets (operating arrangements involving other individuals, DX-alerting nets, packet, Internet, etc) IS NOT permitted. 
> For Single Op - Assisted AND Multi-Op Categories
> 2.2.1.Use of spotting assistance or nets (operating arrangements involving other individuals, DX-alerting nets, packet, etc) not physically located at the station IS permitted. 
> There is no mention of this in the specific ARRL DX Contest rules.
> It appears from the rules that while self-spotting is frowned upon it is only a violation of the rules  in ARRL DX if you are Single - Op - Unassisted.

>From the General Rules for All ARRL Contests:

3.10. The use of non-Amateur Radio means of communication (for example, 
Internet or telephone) to solicit a contact (or contacts) during the 
contest period is not permitted. 

What the ARRL General HF Rules you cite are considering is the passive use
of spotting networks - not self-spotting, which is clearly forbidden for all
ARRL contests.

Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
kenharker at kenharker.com

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