[CQ-Contest] Remote Site Contesting Rules - Getting out of hand

Richard Thorne rmthorne at suddenlink.net
Sun Mar 18 07:54:56 EST 2007

This thread has been an interesting one.

Lets get this one back on track.  Quite frankly I don't see a need for a 
change in rules. 

 From the ARRL General rules:

3.7. All transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500-meter 
diameter circle, excluding antennas.

            3.7.1. This prohibits the use of remote receiving
            3.7.2. Exceptions: 

         Stations remotely controlled by radio link
                  may use necessary equipment at the control point. This
                  does not include using the control point as another
                  receiving location.
         Multioperator and Single Operator Assisted
                  stations may use spotting nets.

 From the CQWW rules:

"Transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500 meter diameter 
circle or within the property limits of the station licensee's address, 
which greater.  All antennas used by the entrant must be physically 
connected by wires to the transmitters and receivers used by the entrant"

In my view the rules already cover remote operations.  Yes, theres 
plenty of contests that probably don't address the above as the ARRL 
general rules and CQWW rules do, but what does that have to do with 
remote operations?

To those of you who think remote stations don't use rf to communicate 
your wrong, dead wrong.  I believe when I worked the VK6 or 3B8 on 40m 
cw the other morning it was via rf.  Sure my paddle was connected to my 
rig via the internet, but your paddle is connected to your rig via a 
wire, not rf. 

When I worked 5W0RE on 17m ssb it was via rf.  My mic was connected to 
my rig via the internet but your mic is connected to your rig via a 
wire, also not via rf.

Lets not forget about our headsets or speakers.  My headset is connected 
to my rig via the internet, but your headset is connected to your rig 
via a wire not via rf.

As I type this I'm looking at my internet connection, its a wire going 
into my shack wall.  And that internet connection some where along the 
line my be taking a hop to another node over the airwaves, which the 
last time I checked is rf. 

I've been remoting for probably 10 years now.  The internet and some 
recent technology improvements has really improved things.  I now feel I 
can finally be competitive in  contests.   And for those of you  who 
don't like me using the internet to  get on the air via rf,  well, I'm 
not losing any sleep over it.

Bottom line leave all the rules alone, there is absolutely no need to 
change them.

Rich - N5ZC

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